Our Teaching Philosophy

Engaging people to identify and nurture their creative spark.
Our passion lies in interacting with people of all ages to bring joy into our community. We love using the power of play and laughter when working with children, supporting them to find their passion. When we teach and perform, we model how people with unique, individual skills and talents can work together as an effective team, supporting each other in overcoming challenges and celebrating our successes.
What are peoples' sparks?
As teachers, we know how motivating it can be for students to discover their ‘creative sparks’, those activities and interests that truly engage them to be their best. Discovering those sparks can help people express their personalities and make unique contributions to the world. When people are encouraged and recognized for their individual aspirations, all aspects of their lives flourish and they are more likely to develop resilience and thrive in their daily lives.
Why circus?
Ground-based circus arts are fun, inclusive and non-competitive, adapting to all abilities and special needs. Circus arts incorporate prop manipulation with artistic movement to music, so even people who are shy or uncomfortable about their bodies become confident when the prop is the focus rather than themselves. Most circus props are familiar to everyone (for example, juggling objects, hoops, and balls) and we are all excited to play with these objects- which helps imagination to blossom. Props can also be constructed and personalized during craft activities, connecting people with their artistic expression.
Circus arts teach the value of perseverance by working through small challenges and building on success with the help of mentor and peer encouragement. We encourage teamwork by providing a supportive environment to take risks in a safe way. Self esteem is encouraged by celebration of success. We model that it never gets easier because the tricks can always be built on. Importantly, we all struggle to master skills on an individual level as there are always new skills to develop. Finally, we share our achievements with each other and the greater community in the performances that we create.
Bringing it all together
Our programming integrates the Search Institute's Developmental Asset theory and is grounded in the message that each person has a creative 'Spark' that is the foundation of well being and positive decision making. By using a combination of circus arts, storytelling, collaborative teamwork and peer-to-peer support, our programs convey an important message: Success is possible if you surround yourself with positive people who support and nurture your creative spark!
We incorporate Developmental Assets theory as a framework with which to support people in making positive choices. The goal in our programming is to encourage further dialogue to explore themes such as: What is my individual 'Spark'? What does 'support' and 'friendship' look like to me? Do the people around me encourage my flame, or diminish it? By working with people to explore their sparks, finding support for developing their interests, we can ultimately help them to create a vision of who they want to be in the future.
More information about the Search Institute's Sparks program and the Developmental Assets.
Engaging people to identify and nurture their creative spark.
Our passion lies in interacting with people of all ages to bring joy into our community. We love using the power of play and laughter when working with children, supporting them to find their passion. When we teach and perform, we model how people with unique, individual skills and talents can work together as an effective team, supporting each other in overcoming challenges and celebrating our successes.
What are peoples' sparks?
As teachers, we know how motivating it can be for students to discover their ‘creative sparks’, those activities and interests that truly engage them to be their best. Discovering those sparks can help people express their personalities and make unique contributions to the world. When people are encouraged and recognized for their individual aspirations, all aspects of their lives flourish and they are more likely to develop resilience and thrive in their daily lives.
Why circus?
Ground-based circus arts are fun, inclusive and non-competitive, adapting to all abilities and special needs. Circus arts incorporate prop manipulation with artistic movement to music, so even people who are shy or uncomfortable about their bodies become confident when the prop is the focus rather than themselves. Most circus props are familiar to everyone (for example, juggling objects, hoops, and balls) and we are all excited to play with these objects- which helps imagination to blossom. Props can also be constructed and personalized during craft activities, connecting people with their artistic expression.
Circus arts teach the value of perseverance by working through small challenges and building on success with the help of mentor and peer encouragement. We encourage teamwork by providing a supportive environment to take risks in a safe way. Self esteem is encouraged by celebration of success. We model that it never gets easier because the tricks can always be built on. Importantly, we all struggle to master skills on an individual level as there are always new skills to develop. Finally, we share our achievements with each other and the greater community in the performances that we create.
Bringing it all together
Our programming integrates the Search Institute's Developmental Asset theory and is grounded in the message that each person has a creative 'Spark' that is the foundation of well being and positive decision making. By using a combination of circus arts, storytelling, collaborative teamwork and peer-to-peer support, our programs convey an important message: Success is possible if you surround yourself with positive people who support and nurture your creative spark!
We incorporate Developmental Assets theory as a framework with which to support people in making positive choices. The goal in our programming is to encourage further dialogue to explore themes such as: What is my individual 'Spark'? What does 'support' and 'friendship' look like to me? Do the people around me encourage my flame, or diminish it? By working with people to explore their sparks, finding support for developing their interests, we can ultimately help them to create a vision of who they want to be in the future.
More information about the Search Institute's Sparks program and the Developmental Assets.
"He aha te mea nui o te ao
What is the most important thing in the world?
He tangata, he tangata, he tangata
It is the People, it is the People, it is the People"
-Maori Saying